Witchy - Cinematic, Action/Adventure
An adaptation based on the comic by Ariel Slamet Ries in which a witch tests out her broom with less than stellar results. Boards were made under the guidance of Ian Ibando during Brainstorms Storyboard+ class.
Witchy Adaptation - Storyboards
Late 'Broomer' - Kids/Family, Emotional
Piper is a young witch in a witch academy who finds herself unable to use her powers to fly. Feeling left behind by her classmates that are beginning to use their brooms, Piper is inspired by some of her new friends to find a new way to fly.
Late 'Broomer' - Storyboards
Late 'Broomer' Development

(WIP) Peura's Diary - Fantasy/Drama
During archery practice with her brother, Ismark, Peura shows interest in improving her combat skills beyond the basics. Ismark is hesitant and the two argue over whether or not Peura can accompany Ismark and their father on a trip to the next town over. Based off of real and true events... in a D&D campaign.
Peura's Diary - Storyboards
Peura's Diary - Thumbnails

Muppet Babies - Preschool/Kids, Comedy
Oddbot's Muppet Babies - Storyboard Test
Common Threads - Kids/Family, Action/Comedy
A collaboration between 6 story artists to develop a pitch for an original series. Common Threads is about three 'martial yarnists' who want to conquer all evil that plagues their world. But in order to spread true kindness, our heroes must learn to work together.
In collaboration with: AD Taeza, Ethan Yu, Jordan Gazitt, Sue Anderson, Kait Baird
Common Threads - Storyboards

PrePAWsterous Short Film Work
In PrePAWsterous, two pup scouts set out to find their precious stolen treats. They must work together to solve the mystery while putting aside their rivalry.

PrePAWsterous show pitch - Episode beats

Gesture & Life Drawing